As your Accountants, we offer far more than year-end accounts and tax services. We can help you make your business grow and become more successful and profitable.
It is vital to take time out from the day to day running of the business to focus on the future. External help can help you avoid some of the potential pitfalls.
Planning must result in practical measures which benefit the bottom line.
Strategies you adopt should be broken down into clear step by step processes so that ideas can be implemented. You must also have a system of measuring the effects of what you do.
A good external adviser can help you come up with innovative ideas for growth and strategy. He can help by being a sounding board, help you evaluate ideas, ask searching questions about your business and help you find solutions.
Colin Gillard has spent over 30 years helping and advising businesses.
Many of our clients meet Colin every quarter. We undertake a critical review of business performance and meet with business owners to discuss progress, any action needed and to help with ongoing planning. By meeting on a regular basis, Colin learns a lot more about the business owner and what makes their business tick and is then better placed to help and give advice.
This optional service is available as part of our ‘fixed fee agreement’ billing contract.
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